Accident and Injury Law Blog

Stay up-to-date with the latest in firm news as well as industry specific topics surrounding Workers’ Compensation and Personal Injury Law.

injured worker writing on a clipboard
If you’ve filed a workers’ compensation claim after an injury, you’ll have to deal with your employer’s insurer. Initially, the workers’ comp insurer might seem like an unbiased third party assessing your case. However, it’s important to remember that insurance companies often prioritize their interests over yours. Their primary goal is to minimize payouts,
Construction workers on a site
If you’re employed in New York and are injured on the job, you are likely entitled to workers’ compensation benefits, whether you’re a construction worker, first responder, or a correction officer. However, if you work in an exempt trade or profession, you may have to consider alternatives to workers’ comp benefits after a workplace
architects discussing house plan draft
Navigating the workers’ compensation process can be complex, especially if your employer’s insurer denies your claim, or any part of it. When this happens, a successful hearing is necessary to address the carrier’s denial and secure the benefits you deserve. Having an experienced attorney advocate on your behalf is crucial. Improve your odds of
Silhouette workers on high building site with sunset sky background
If you have been injured in the workplace and are collecting or have filed a claim for workers’ compensation benefits, you may wonder about using PTO while on workers’ comp. In many circumstances, you may have the legal right to use any accrued PTO benefits as a source of income if you are not
construction worker
Investigations are an essential part of the workers’ compensation process. Insurance companies or the state might conduct investigations to determine the validity of claims and the extent of workers’ injuries. Most workers’ compensation cases involve some investigation, affecting how long a case takes to resolve and whether a worker receives benefits. Here are the
Construction workers on a site
If you’ve been injured at work, you can generally pursue a workers’ compensation claim to cover your medical expenses and some of your lost wages. However, you may be able to pursue a personal injury lawsuit against parties responsible for your injury other than your employer. In some cases, you can pursue both types
accident inside the warehouse
If you’re an immigrant worker who has been injured on the job in New York City, you may ask, “Do I have to be a U.S. citizen to receive workers’ compensation?” No, you do not have to be a U.S. citizen—or even a permanent resident—to be eligible for workers’ compensation benefits. A common misconception
a client using crutch shaking hands with a lady
You can calculate pain and suffering by working with a qualified personal injury lawyer. Pain and suffering is one of several recoverable non-economic damages in a personal injury case. Because losses like these do not come with receipts or monetary value, it can be difficult to calculate them on your own. Your personal injury
Disabled woman with bandaged arm signing document
You can pay your medical bills before you receive your insurance settlement by: Finding out if your healthcare provider will delay charging for treatment until the insurer agrees to cover it Filing for workers’ compensation benefits, if the injury occurred at work Finding out if your healthcare provider offers financial assistance or other forms

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