New York City Dog Bite Lawyer

In just a short stroll through New York City, you will likely encounter numerous dogs out for a walk. These incredible animals also work for the NYPD and the Drug Enforcement Administration and even provide services to those with disabilities.

Unfortunately, accidents involving dog bites can and often do happen. A dog can lash out and bite individuals nearby, leaving the victim with deep gashes, infections, and broken bones. Sometimes a dog attack can result in permanent damage or death.

If you or a loved one were bitten by a dog in New York City, you may be entitled to compensation. Contact Shulman & Hill today to schedule your free legal consultation to learn more.

How Common Are Dog Bites in New York City?

Given that New York is the largest city in the nation, dog bites are quite prevalent. It is predicted that more than 500,000 dogs live in New York City. To put that in perspective, there are more dogs in New York City than there are inhabitants of many other cities in the United States. As a result, dog bites resulted in 6,373 emergency room visits in 2014 alone. In worst-case scenarios, the dog bite injuries were fatal.

Of the patients visiting emergency rooms because of dog bites, children under 17 were most at risk. Dog bites are among the most common non-fatal injuries to children every year.

Common Injuries in New York City Dog Bite Cases

In the aftermath of a dog bite accident, one may sustain a variety of injuries. If you have been attacked or bitten by a dog, you may suffer injuries like:

  • Cuts and lacerations
  • Puncture wounds
  • Broken bones and compound fractures
  • Infection
  • High incidence of scarring and disfigurement
  • Traumatic brain injuries
  • Nerve damage
  • Bruises, scrapes, and abrasions

These injuries have recovery times that can vary tremendously. While slight scrapes and bruises may heal quickly, broken bones and deep wounds could require extended recovery time, physical therapy, and even surgery.

Who is Responsible for Injuries From Dog Bites in New York?

Unlike other personal injury claims, it is a bit easier to identify accountability in the event of a dog bite. Most often, dog owners are responsible for these accidents. However, landlords and property owners can also be held responsible for injuries from a dog bite if the evidence is presented that these parties “harbored” the dog.

What To Know About New York Dog Bite Laws

Just like any other area of law, New York dog bite laws can be a bit confusing. The first thing to consider when pursuing compensation is liability and negligence.

Liability Versus Negligence in New York

In New York, a dog’s owner can often be liable for any medical bills. In other words, you do not have to show that the owner was careless.

However, if you want to cover any additional damages beyond the medical bills, you must be able to prove negligence. To establish negligence, New York courts often consider the following evidence:

  • Fights with other dogs and animals
  • Past occurrences of growling or baring teeth
  • Previous complaints
  • Muzzle wearing
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“One Bite” Rule in New York

New York City does not have an outright “one bite” rule. Instead, an owner may be considered negligent if it can be shown that they should have known of their dog’s dangerous behavior and tendencies, particularly if the dog had bitten or attacked other people or animals in the past.

New York Dog Bite Claims: What to Know

Here are some quick tips on what to consider when filing a dog bite claim:

Pursuing Compensation for Your Losses

The value of a dog bite claim is often based on a variety of factors. Most often, medical expenses for treating the dog bite are a standard basis for pursuing a claim. You may be able to seek compensation for these expenses.

If the owner is negligent, your dog bite claim may be worth more. Claims in these circumstances may entitle you to compensation for the following:

  • Future medical treatment
  • Lost wages or earning capacity
  • Nursing care
  • Physical therapy
  • Property damage
  • Wrongful death

How a New York City Dog Bites Law Firm Can Help You

Pursuing compensation after a dog bite can often require conducting an investigation. Our New York City dog bite lawyers can investigate the circumstances of your injury as well as the history of the dog to identify possible negligence. With this evidence, we can negotiate on your behalf to help you pursue compensation for your injuries.

Why Choose Shulman & Hill?

If you or a loved one have been bitten by a dog, contact one of our personal injury attorneys right away. An experienced dog bites lawyer can help you navigate the difficult legal terrain to pursue compensation for your injuries.

Shulman & Hill is a New York City law firm that specializes in personal injury claims. We know just how damaging dog bites can be, which is why we work tirelessly to help our clients. Our team of attorneys operates on a contingency fee model and can review your case for free to see if you may be eligible for compensation. If you choose to hire us, you will only pay for our services if we recover compensation for you. Contact Shulman & Hill to schedule your free case consultation today.


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